A proposal for pseudospectra computation on graphic processor units

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Zenaida Natividad Castillo Marrero
Gustavo Adolfo Colmenares Pacheco
Paulina Elizabeth Valverde Aguirre
Víctor Oswaldo Cevallos Vique


Introduction. Computation of matrix pseudospectra is required in many applications when modeling by differential equations. This computation is really expensive, especially for large matrices, for which highly parallelizable algorithms have been successfully implemented on high performance computers. Objective. We present an exploratory analysis of the pseudospectra computation in a hybrid architecture CPU-GPU where the graphics processing unit performs the massive parallel computation. Methodology. A proposal is formulated after analyzing some parallel implementations on high performance computers, methods based on Krylov methods, and the capacities of the graphics processor units for massive computation in the large-scale setting. Results. The proposal is attractive since the graphics processing units currently can be found on a wide range of computers, or can be adapted to any computer at a very a low cost. Conclusions. In this document we describe a general scheme for the parallel computation of pseudospectra on a hybrid architecture CPU-GPU.


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Castillo Marrero, Z. N., Colmenares Pacheco, G. A., Valverde Aguirre, P. E., & Cevallos Vique, V. O. (2021). A proposal for pseudospectra computation on graphic processor units. ConcienciaDigital, 4(2.1), 6-20. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i2.1.1703


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