Incidence of the mining activity on the social development in "Chumblín, San Fernando"

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Leticia Chuñir Panjón
Daniele Covri Rivera
Yonimiller Castillo Ortega


Introduction: Mining is not a new activity, since pre-Hispanic times there is evidence of artisanal mining where the importance of conserving the environment was not considered, as time goes by, this has improved until reaching large-scale mining processes where, for the extraction of the mineral, very demanding parameters that guarantee the good living of human beings have to be met; that is, sustainable and sustainable mining has to be practiced. Nowadays, mining activity is a relevant aspect within the country, since it is considered as emblematic and strategic within the economy and development not only locally but also at a national level. Objective: This research will determine how the Loma Larga mining project affects the social development of the Chumblín parish. This research will determine how the Loma Larga mining project affects the social development of the Chumblín parish. Methodology and Results: The research is based fundamentally on a documentary analysis; in the first instance of the Loma Larga mining project under the concession of INV Minerales; then a study is made of the main indicators of the Chumblín parish, population, education level, aging index, youth, dependency, NBI, PET, PEA, PEI, economic activity, and access to basic services that allow us to establish a current diagnosis of the study area to continue with an investigation of the social and environmental variables, employment, education, infrastructure, soils, among others; this will allow us to determine effects and interactions that could be generated within the locality; it culminates by posing a theoretical model itself that will serve to carry out the evaluation of possible impacts that could occur in certain variables and based on this model an action plan can be established to mitigate or correct the effects. Conclusions: The Chumblín parish, being an area of a direct influence of the Loma Larga Mining Project, has benefited from projects focused on different axes and family incidence, this through agreements signed annually with the local government, however, it is considered compatible with the good living that is the base paradigm of the development model of the country and that implies obtaining the resources that satisfy the needs of its inhabitants without compromising the natural resources.


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How to Cite
Chuñir Panjón, L., Covri Rivera, D., & Castillo Ortega, Y. (2021). Incidence of the mining activity on the social development in "Chumblín, San Fernando". ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 422-445.


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