Relationship between ergonomics and muscle skeletal disorders in the jean´s manufacturing area, case of the jean´s Ramos Llerena consortium.

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Jorge Luis Morales Sánchez
Manolo Alexander Córdova Suárez
Vladimir Vega Falcón


Introduction: A study was carried out to relate ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders in the jean manufacturing area of the Jean's Ramos Llerena Consortium with exposure to work postures and repetitive movements using the OCRA index, the REBA method and the Questionnaire Nordic Standardized, the study verified the presence of musculoskeletal disorders in the neck and dorsal or lumbar region due to repetitive movements and inappropriate postures, as well as short recovery times. Methods: The research design was analytical, cross-sectional, prospective and descriptive. A sample of 43 workers from the jean manufacturing area was used, an evaluation of the position was carried out with the matrix of occupational risks, application of the OCRA index, REBA method and Standardized Nordic Questionnaire, all these methods previously reviewed and validated for their application with teachers and professionals related to the subject. Results: In the matrix of occupational risks, the presence of repetitive movements and inappropriate postures was detected with a Very Severe risk level, the OCRA method demonstrated an unacceptable level of risk of repetitive movements, the REBA method demonstrated a final score of 6, medium risk and a necessary action for inappropriate postures. In the Standardized Nordic Questionnaire, workers perform between 2 or 3 activities with a time of approximately 1 to 5 years in the company, there are discomfort in the neck in 37 workers (86%) and in the dorsal or lumbar region in 38 workers (88, 3%) with absenteeism between 1 to 7 days clearly attributed to work. Conclusion: It was concluded that there is a high relationship between ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders since most of the workers presented discomfort in the neck and dorsal or lumbar spine due to routine at work, poor postural habits and repetitive movements.


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How to Cite
Morales Sánchez, J. L., Córdova Suárez, M. A., & Vega Falcón, V. (2021). Relationship between ergonomics and muscle skeletal disorders in the jean´s manufacturing area, case of the jean´s Ramos Llerena consortium. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 162-175.


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