Sustainable use of the Río Blanco Micro-basin: Possible solutions from an Environmental Management Program.

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María Soledad Nuñez Moreno
Cristina Gabriela Calderón Tapia


Introduction. The progressive deterioration that occurs worldwide as a consequence of the indiscriminate use of natural resources and the environment, constitutes a serious problem, which demands urgent responses directed to the management and sustainability of the environment. Ecuador, regardless of the efforts made, does not escape this reality. An example of this is the use of the Rio Blanco Micro-basin, of the Penipe canton, of Chimborazo. Objective. Provide an Environmental Management Program, which allows in parallel the protection of the water resources of the micro-basin and in turn contributes to sustainable local development. Methodology. The study followed a qualitative, descriptive, non-experimental methodology, accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods. The investigative procedure was framed in three stages: Verification and diagnosis of the problem under study, determination of the objectives and strategy to be followed and design of the Environmental Management Program. Results. 1. The existence of the problem under study and the need to search for alternatives that guarantee the sustainable use of the reference micro-basin are corroborated. 2. An Environmental Management Program is provided, which, given its structure, conformation and planned schedule for its implementation, allows the protection of the water resources of the “Río Blanco” micro-basin and in turn contributes to sustainable local development. Conclusions. The conservation and proper management of environmental resources, in addition to being an extremely high priority, requires a timely intervention process, which must be supported by a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan, which favors not only the protection of water resources. , but also the sustainability and local development of the Río Blanco micro-basin ”, this will allow improving the conservation and availability of natural resources as well as the survival of the different species that make up the ecosystem, including human life.


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How to Cite
Nuñez Moreno, M. S., & Calderón Tapia, C. G. (2021). Sustainable use of the Río Blanco Micro-basin: Possible solutions from an Environmental Management Program. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.1), 294-306.


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