Methodology of citizen participation in the endogenous rural development process in the case of Cantón Limón Indanza

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Boris Adrián Argudo Domínguez
Yonimiller Castillo Ortega


Introduction: Citizen participation in local planning activities can represent a great challenge for rural communities, due to factors such as territorial qualities, distances between communities, access to information and the use of technical language; however, participation is one of the most valuable instruments in strengthening democracies. Objective: To design a methodology that fosters greater openness to citizen participation in the endogenous rural development process of the Limón Indanza canton. Methodology: The study has a mixed approach, in which different instruments such as the survey, the interview and the focus group were applied to obtain information, while it ends with an intervention proposal through the participation methodology. Results: As main results it was found that citizen participation mechanisms are limited in the canton; there are contradictions between institutional and citizen perceptions regarding participation; and, citizens do not follow up on development projects proposed in the PDOT. Conclusion: A participatory methodology based on open government was proposed, through the LUDO model, with which the integration of organizations, social groups and actors of the Limón Indanza canton is sought.


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How to Cite
Argudo Domínguez, B. A., & Castillo Ortega, Y. (2021). Methodology of citizen participation in the endogenous rural development process in the case of Cantón Limón Indanza. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.1), 67-82.


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