Diagnosis of tangible cultural heritage as a vision for community tourism in the La Maná canton Cotopaxi Province - Ecuador
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Introduction. The diagnosis of tangible cultural heritage as a vision for community tourism is of utmost importance since it represents the Canton together with its existing parishes and communities. One of the main objectives of the Maná canton and its inhabitants should be to rescue their customs, festivals, history, traditions, etc. Objective. Design a cultural route as a world heritage site in the La Maná canton and establish promotion and dissemination strategies for the cultural route. Methodology. For the development of the research the qualitative-quantitative methods were used, we worked with primary information (field survey, interviews with key informants, workshops), the analytical method was used to diagnose the current situation of cultural tourism, systematize the supply and demand of the tourist with these techniques will allow to take advantage of the tourist potential. Consecutively, the instructions for intangible inventory records based on the regulations according to the INPC were carried out. Results. It was possible to identify that the highest percentage is 48% belonging to the province of Cotopaxi, making the table of tangible cultural attractions, currently in force in the tourist area, resulting in a positive contribution to the socio-economic development of the town. Conclusion. The inventory of the tangible cultural sites of the La Maná canton is created by: real estate, and religious manifestations that when brought together give a total of fifteen properties, the same that are artisanal and religious, these cultural assets are in good physical condition for be promoted as tourist attractions.
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