Training in the agricultural professional figure and the professional projection of graduates. Exploratory study
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Introduction: In Ecuador, students have the possibility of training in technical areas, from the high school level, and continue with their learning and professionalization processes through the different third-level technologies that exist in the country and that are distributed in the different provinces and cities. To this end, the consolidation of a professional profile by competencies for each technical area is proposed. This change of perspective has resulted in the Ecuadorian context strengthening training through the offer of the technical baccalaureate and the third-level technologies that can be obtained in different educational institutions in the country. Through the technical baccalaureate, training is provided focused on technical areas that allow students to be part of the labor market and generate social or economic entrepreneurship activities. Objective: The objective of the study was to explore the perception of the training of the technical professional figure in agriculture and the professional projection of the graduates of the educational institution "Armengol Lara Valencia" located in the Chumundé parish of the province of Esmeraldas. The specific objectives were to investigate the students' perception of the competency training of the professional technical figure in agriculture; inquire about labor insertion and professional self-realization and suggest strategies based on the results of the graduates' perceptions. Methodology: the methodology of the study developed a mixed approach with exploratory, descriptive, and cross-sectional scope based on deductive, statistical, and descriptive methods. The population was made up of 96 graduated students. Surveys and interviews were applied through questionnaires according to the dimensions: competencies, labor insertion and self-realization. Results: They determined that the institution faces limitations that focus on the lack of practical learning that contributes to the development of competencies that allow students to respond to the demands that arise in the workplace. Conclusions: The training of agricultural professionals faces significant challenges in integration into the labor market, which highlights the need for a curriculum that combines theory and practice. For graduates to achieve their self-realization and develop fully, it is essential that institutions align their programs with the demands of the sector, foster meaningful learning, and adopt constructivist strategies that strengthen their competencies and promote entrepreneurship, thus improving their professional projection at the national level. General area of study: Technical Education. Specific area of study: Agricultural Education. Type of study: Original.
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