Prevalence of work stress in nursing staff in the ICU area in neonates and adults: bibliographic review

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Rosa Cristina Lucero Calle
Andrés Alexis Ramírez Coronel


Introduction: Stress is a main manifestation due to exhaustion, fatigue, regardless of age or profession, it influences causing different disorders. Objective: to examine the literature on the prevalence of work-related stress among nurses in the neonatal, and adult ICU area. Methodology: The research was carried out through a systematic review based on PRISMA. A search of updated scientific articles from five years ago was carried out using key words in databases such as: Scopus, PudMed, Redalyc, Scielo, and Medigraphic. Results: the prevalence of stress in nursing personnel in the Adult and Neonatal ICU area has a percentage of 67.50%, being the highest in the country of Nicaragua. On the other hand, in Ecuador the prevalence of stress in the Adult ICU area was 27%, being the lowest percentage of stress in the Adult ICU area. On the other hand, the prevalence of stress in the NICU area had a percentage of 34% being the highest, while 27.7% represents a lower percentage of stress, taking into account the different factors related to the work. Conclusion: the intensive care area is a place where qualified nursing personnel are required for the management of critical patients. Faced with this situation, health personnel are exposed to different stress situations. The risk factors that may cause stress are related to the degree of responsibility of the health professional, work overload, contact with death, suffering, conflict, and ambiguity of roles, problems of interrelation with the multidisciplinary team.


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How to Cite
Lucero Calle, R. C., & Ramírez Coronel, A. A. (2023). Prevalence of work stress in nursing staff in the ICU area in neonates and adults: bibliographic review. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.2), 67-78.


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