Low performance in mathematics “Ser Bachiller” canton Duran 2020

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Bolívar Vicente Lozano Torres
Miguel Alfonso Flores Sánchez
Alba Dolores Alay Giler


Introduction. The high school tests represent in Ecuador, a way to establish the different academic skills and aptitudes that the nation's future high school graduates possess, this is of great interest to the nation since it is these high school graduates who will enter the different institutions of higher education of the country, and it is interesting to know the data regarding academic performance. Objective. Evaluate, by means of the Multivariable statistical method, the factors that possibly affect directly and indirectly in the low academic performance in the area of mathematics of the high school test. Methodology. The research is non-experimental, descriptive and analytical. Results. The database provided by the National Institute of Educational Evaluation was filtered, in order to work only with the results of the Duran canton of the year 2020. Conclusion. It is evident that low grades in the area of mathematics are closely related to the type of economic segregation of the applicant and the type of institution in which he studies.


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How to Cite
Lozano Torres, B. V., Flores Sánchez, M. A., & Alay Giler, A. D. (2022). Low performance in mathematics “Ser Bachiller” canton Duran 2020. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.3), 197-215. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i1.3.2136


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