Guayaquil, from digital city to smart city. Progress, perspectives and challenges

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Efrén Armando Montecé Quiguango
Luis Enrique Pinzón Barriga
Fernando Rodolfo Orellana Intriago


Introduction. To know if the city of Guayaquil has passed the barrier of being a digital city to an intelligent city, but not only to know what was previously expressed, but also if it happened, when it happened and how it is being done, to analyze its perspectives and challenges, everything this with the purpose of contributing new ideas, critics and conclusions that contribute to the improvement and development of the city. Objective: Analyze if the city of Guayaquil is a digital city or a smart city. Methodology. The methodology applied in this research is bibliographical design with documentary-type characteristics. Results. An intelligent city must be a city that provides ease and internet connection to its citizens, but also be able to improve the quality of life of the population, take care of the environment, reduce social inequality, have digital nerves that are in constant reflection of intelligent responses from its citizens, a city that is sustainable over time, efficient in urban services and with the ability to continuously monitor and improve by taking advantage of technology, especially the internet and its data networks. Conclution. Although the Municipality is developing more than 120 programs and projects for the city, these apparently are not enough, first a consultancy, then it develops programs and projects as part of a strategy and then it is executing or implementing them little by little, where technological changes are so fast that they leave without effect any finished program even proposed in a short time; In this sense, the support of the citizens themselves is required from platforms that proactively invite or encourage participation, quickly, almost instantaneously or immediately, without leaving any part of the city or social group isolated or disconnected.


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How to Cite
Montecé Quiguango, E. A., Pinzón Barriga, L. E., & Orellana Intriago , F. R. (2022). Guayaquil, from digital city to smart city. Progress, perspectives and challenges. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.3), 89-112.


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