Manufacture of a head prototype of a 100 cc single cylinder two-stroke engine applying reverse engineering and the CAD / CAM method.

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Victor David Bravo Morocho
Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez
Santiago Alejandro López Ortíz
Jhon Jesus Freire Bravo


A head prototype of a 100cc single cylinder two-stroke engine was manufactured using reverse engineering and the CAD / CAM method, the research begins with the mechanical and chemical characterization of a reference head (AX100), to then geometrize it using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software and print it on a 3D printer, once the printed mold is obtained, the preparation proceeded of the sand with calcium silicate, where it was molded and carbon dioxide was injected to harden the mold, they were joined and the aluminum was melted, 1.92% zinc, 1.35% silicon and 1.62% were added. of copper in the casting, sodium and tin were also added to remove the gases and obtain a more fluid casting until reaching a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius, finally, the cast head was machined on a 3-axis machining center and an on-site test was performed on a test internal combustion engine; a prototype head was obtained with a 392 series aluminum with an average hardness of 110HB fully functional and with characteristics similar to the reference head; it is recommended to use the green casting method since it allows obtaining complex geometries and considering the mass composition of each alloying element since when aluminum is melted these evaporate around 2 to 3%.


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Bravo Morocho, V. D., Abarca Pérez, E. P., López Ortíz, S. A., & Freire Bravo, J. J. (2021). Manufacture of a head prototype of a 100 cc single cylinder two-stroke engine applying reverse engineering and the CAD / CAM method. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 190-206.


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