Research and development of a new product for a popular and solidarity microeconomic enterprise.

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Edwin Roberto Naranjo Silva
Harold Alexi Zabala Jarrín
Daniel Adrian Vistin Guamantaqui


Introduction. This investigative document focused on developing a new service for the Food Service Association “ASO KARAKUNA”, a member of the Popular and Solidarity Economy actors located in the Veloz parish, Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province. Objective. Create a significant differentiation process in contrast to its competitors in the reference market, likewise the new product will increase the recognition of the corporate image and the optimization of its resources. Methodology. Starting from a process of weighing ideas through matrices through the method of experts, in the same way we worked with the association, proposing product alternatives, such as catering for banquets and buffet for social events, with the support of research techniques from markets such as the survey through the application of the instrument known as the questionnaire to measure the degree of acceptance of the products and the consumer profile, furthermore, the company's brand manual was developed together with the strategies for the association to position itself in the minds of consumers. Results. As a general result of the variables measured, it was determined that services will be offered according to the generalized economy of the standard population that comprises between $ 350 to $ 500 US dollars, in the same way the proposed products have been classified into three ranges according to the Omnes method, with a price coefficient slightly equal to the market minimum for each of the products. Conclution. It was concluded that the demand for these services is requested by people in an age range between 18 to 35 years old, in terms of gender they are similar, with men and women reporting 55% and 45% respectively according to the tabulation of the surveys.


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How to Cite
Naranjo Silva, E. R., Zabala Jarrín, H. A., & Vistin Guamantaqui, D. A. (2021). Research and development of a new product for a popular and solidarity microeconomic enterprise. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 142-156.


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