Use of three substrates for the determination of the viability of acetobacter aceti and saccharomyces cerevisiae present in medusomyces gisevi, and its possible agroindustrial application

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Andrés Sebastián Ricaurte Heredia
Iván Patricio Salgado Tello
Cesar Iván Flores Mancheno
Georgina Ipatia Moreno Andrade


Introduction. The research work presented the study regarding the viability of Acetobacter aceti and Saccharomyces cerevisiae present in Medusomyces gisevi in ​​three different types of substrates: green tea (Camellia sinensis), coffee (Coffea arabica L) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) Target. To determine the viability of the Acetobacter aceti and Saccharomyces cerevisiae present in the medusomyces gisevi (kombucha fungus) for a possible application in the agro-industry, through the use of three substrates. Methodology. A medium was developed that tries to meet the metabolic requirements of the symbiosis to be used, performing physical-chemical tests for the product (pH, acidity and% alcohol), with a time measurement of 0.24,48,72,96 and 120 hours after inoculation, as well as the microbiological measurement of the presence in cfu / g of Acetobacter aceti and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. With a statistical measurement using a completely randomized design with bifactorial arrangement Results. The results were alcohol values ​​between 0.3 and 0.8, a decrease in the pH value and an increase in the acidity values ​​for the case of the substrates made with Camellia sinensis and Coffea arabica L., the best growth substrate for Medusomyces gisevi was produced with Camellia sinensis, thanks to the great presence of tannins that are present mainly in the leaves and in this way recommended to apply it for future agro-industrialization processes in what concerns fermented beverages that serve as a probiotic source and of excellent sensory characteristics.


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How to Cite
Ricaurte Heredia, A. S., Salgado Tello, I. P., Flores Mancheno, C. I., & Moreno Andrade, G. I. (2021). Use of three substrates for the determination of the viability of acetobacter aceti and saccharomyces cerevisiae present in medusomyces gisevi, and its possible agroindustrial application. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 122-141.


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