Rural development strategy, an assessment from endogenous perspectives in the case of toquilla straw hat production, Sigsig-Azuay.
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Introduction. Local development refers to the generation of coordination and organization spaces between the actors of a territory, seeking the deployment and performance of determining factors through an adequate operation whose objective is to achieve the well-being of its inhabitants. Objective. Faced with this, this research seeks to contribute with the design of a development strategy that stimulates the manufacture of hats, considering political-institutional aspects, of productive development and training. Methodology. The research is based on the collection of primary information. On the one side, in-depth interviews with influential actors in the artisanal sector and, on the other hand, surveys of producers of toquilla straw hats. For the application of the survey, a simple random sampling has been carried out. Result. The weaving of toquilla straw hats is very relevant to the local economy, especially women in rural areas of the cantonal head and in the parishes of Cuchil, Guel, San Bartolomé and Ludo. This activity represents the most important income for each of them. In this sense, the strategy proposes to generate market opportunities, diversify and expand sales channels, improve models and improve the quality of the hat. Conclusion. The manufacture of hats involves various activities, actors and factors, which pose important challenges when it comes to inserting itself as a sector in the local economic development of the canton, ranging from the search for a balance between production costs versus the sale price, the demand for the product in the market, its commercialization and institutional strengthening for its promotion. However, it can be seen that there is progress in the associations that have diversified the products, which comes hand in hand with training and institutional promotion processes for their sustainability.
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