Importance of the genetic profile in people deprived of liberty

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Alex Damian Camacho Solis
Wendy Pilar Romero Noboa


Introduction. In recent years, forensic genetics has become key evidence in multiple criminal and civil proceedings. With the ability to confirm or eliminate a suspect, as well as to determine family relationships, for the criminal and civil process, a new and valuable means of solving crimes. It is an essential technique that is added to those that have been used until now. In the criminal field, it allows analyzing criminal strategies and identifying those responsible, improving judicial and police management of different legal matters. Objective. Analyze the importance of genetic profiles in people deprived of liberty by taking oral swab samples to apply in criminal and judicial investigations and identification of corpses. Methodology. The research was characterized by being a bibliographic review with a descriptive approach, documentary and non-experimental design, cross-sectional cohort with a retrospective approach. To carry out this review, digital articles were accessed through various databases such as Medline, Scopus. 30 scientific articles were reviewed and 15 articles were selected through the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. The studies analyzed demonstrate the proven practical usefulness of the highly effective study of the genetic profile in people deprived of liberty in penitentiary centers. Conclusion. The inclusion of identifying genetic data of people involved in a criminal act, search for missing persons and prison riots is very useful and important. General study area: Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences. Specific area of study: Forensic genetics. Type of study: Literature review articles


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How to Cite
Camacho Solis, A. D., & Romero Noboa, W. P. (2025). Importance of the genetic profile in people deprived of liberty. Anatomía Digital, 8(1), 54-75.
Articulos de revisión bibliográfica


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