Strategies for the management of carious lesions with and without removal of carious tissue

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Brigithe Bethzabet Figueroa Ortiz
Ismael Martín Matute Heredia
Manuel Fernando Vizhñay Remache
Juan Manuel Jaramillo León
Byron Roberto Morales Bravo


Introduction. The etiology of caries, how it acts, its progression, its different ways of presenting itself, its causes and the tools that will allow us to combat it effectively, allowing us to keep the different structures of the tooth intact or carry out a minimal intervention to extract the tooth pathology, we have determined caries as a pathology that affects the teeth through different factors. Aim. Know through scientific foundations, the etiology, risk factors and approach to carious lesions with and without removal of carious tissue. Methodology. All work was conducted based on descriptive and documentary bibliographic reviews with prior bases to subjects such as Cariology, also with the guidance of the Doctor. Management Byron Morales who, with his collaboration, simplified this investigation. General study area: Dentistry Specific study area: Oral Rehabilitation. Type of study: Bibliographic Review.


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How to Cite
Figueroa Ortiz, B. B., Matute Heredia, I. M., Vizhñay Remache, M. F., Jaramillo León, J. M., & Morales Bravo, B. R. (2024). Strategies for the management of carious lesions with and without removal of carious tissue . Anatomía Digital, 7(3.3), 129-151.
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