Comparison of the compressive strength of three resinous cements in the reconstruction of dental studies
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Introduction. The present investigation refers to the comparison of the compressive strength of three resin cements in the reconstruction of dental stumps. Likewise, the researchers are interested in providing updated and high-impact information on the compressive strength of three resin cements in the reconstruction of dental stumps in oral rehabilitation. Objective. The objective of the present investigation was to analyze the compressive strength of three resin cements through a universal study machine (Tinius Olsen) to know the most resistant resin cement in the reconstruction of dental stumps, determining the resistance of the Allcem Core resin cements. Paracore and Rebilda before an external compression force and identifying the most used resin cements for the reconstruction of stumps within oral rehabilitation. Methodology. An experimental, observational type of research was conducted with a quantitative approach. The instrument to be used is a data collection sheet, prepared by the researcher, preparing a table indicating the type of material to be used, resinous cements, the force used measured in Newtons (N) and the resistance measured in Mega Pascals (MPa). with the compression machine of the National Polytechnic Higher School, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Results. According to the data obtained regarding strength, it is determined that Group C Paracore with an average of 1561.40 [N] was superior to group A, B and control, where the group with the lowest amount of force before fracturing was group B Allcem Core with an average of 1032 [N]. The maximum effort of Paracore is higher than the control group, Allcem core and Rebilda. The Allcem core group has the greatest amount of minimum effort. Conclusion. The maximum force that the Paracore cement withstood before breaking was 1561.40 [N], Rebilda was 1223.95 [N], Allcem core was 1032 [N] and the control group of Z350 Filtek Resin from 3M 1075 .15[N], for this reason, favorable results are reflected towards group C Paracore.