The effectiveness of the palatal grid in the treatment of the digital suction habit in children

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Alexis Xavier Rivilla Torres
María Isabel Cabrera Padron


Introduction: Finger sucking is a habit that has an elevated level of prevalence in children; however, its persistence after the age of 3 can cause malocclusion problems. That is why the use of the palatal grid has become a device that effectively helps control these problems. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of the palatal grid through a literature review to avoid the habit of digital sucking in children. Methodology: A descriptive methodology with a qualitative approach was implemented through a bibliographic and documented review with a procedure based on search strategies and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: It was shown that the greatest number of malocclusion problems due to nutritional and non-nutritive suction occur in 3-10-year-old children. In addition, the implementation of the palatal or lingual grid has effective results to improve or prevent digital sucking habits. Conclusion: The habit of sucking constitutes an act of survival for human beings; however, if it is persistent, it can cause malocclusions or dentofacial deformities in infants. In the same way, it was found that the worldwide use of the palatal grid has demonstrated significant effectiveness for treating this pathology, but there is little updated literature to demonstrate the effectiveness of this device. General area of study: Medicine. Specific area of study: Dentistry. Type of study: Original articles.


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How to Cite
Rivilla Torres, A. X., & Cabrera Padron, M. I. (2024). The effectiveness of the palatal grid in the treatment of the digital suction habit in children. Anatomía Digital, 7(2.1), 27-45.
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