Chemical Submission in Sexual Offenses, Chimborazo, May-October 2020

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Mayra Rosa Vásconez Jarrín
Carmen del Rocío Vásconez Samaniego
Lisbeth Carolina Escobar Armijos
Cristian David Guzmán Carrasco


Introduction. The covert administration of a chemical substance to a subject in order to lead his or her will to commit a crime is called chemical submission. Today, this social problem has high numbers on a planetary scale; in Ecuador, chemical submission is the main facilitator for the execution of sexual crimes. Objective. To determine the incidence of chemical submission in sexual crimes in the province of Chimborazo, in the period May-October 2020. Methodology. The present documentary research assumed a qualitative approach. In order to approach this criminological phenomenon, an analysis and description of the cases reported in the Toxicology Laboratory of the National Service of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of the province of Chimborazo was carried out. Results. Ethyl alcohol was identified as the main substance leading to these crimes, as well as benzodiazepines and hypnotics, amphetamines and methamphetamines, cocaine, cannabinoids, GHB, scopolamine or burundanga, LSD, ketamine, amyl nitrite, tricyclic derivatives and nicotinic compounds used separately or mixed with alcohol to increase the effects when administered. In addition, the female gender was identified as the group most exposed to this type of violence. Conclusions. The problem of sexual crimes by chemical submission is difficult to eliminate, so self-protection becomes a way to avoid becoming a victim, as well as controlling the consumption of alcoholic beverages and not trusting unknown subjects. General area of study: Health. Specific area of study: Type of study: Original article.


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How to Cite
Vásconez Jarrín, M. R., Vásconez Samaniego, C. del R., Escobar Armijos , L. C., & Guzmán Carrasco, C. D. (2023). Chemical Submission in Sexual Offenses, Chimborazo, May-October 2020. Anatomía Digital, 6(4.3), 841-852.
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