Low determinants of the APGAR test: in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of possible abnormal conditions in neonates at birth

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Lilia del Carmen Villavicencio Narváez
Deysi Rosario Basantes Moscoso
Elda María Valdés González
Pablo Djabayan Djibeyan


Introduction: The APGAR test is a test performed on the infant at birth, which is of great value in the diagnosis and monitoring of some of the diseases that can later result in complications, it is performed on the infant in the first and fifth minute after birth. Objective: To describe the determinants of low APGAR test results and their importance for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of possible abnormal conditions in neonates at delivery. Methodology: It was based on a retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional documentary review design of previous studies published in indexed databases around health, pediatrics and neonatology, including all documents related to the object of research. Results: The literature review indicated that infants born preterm, between 24 and 26 weeks, can survive if they receive intensive care measures; however, most have respiratory distress due to surfactant deficiency. Male sex, low birth weight, prematurity, APGAR score < 7 at 5 minutes and need for admission to the neonatal ICU were associated with early neonatal mortality. The treatment applied at a low APGAR test score is physical stimulation to achieve healthy heart palpitation and oxygen supply. Conclusions: The documentary review carried out allowed the general objective of the present study to be realized. The APGAR test is an indispensable tool to evaluate the condition of the newborn and to establish the possible manoeuvres for the survival or treatment of illnesses in the newborn. The male gender has a higher predisposition to low values in the APGAR test than the female gender, therefore, the gestational health of a male mother will have repercussions on the postpartum conditions of the child. Type of study: Documentary review article


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How to Cite
Villavicencio Narváez, L. del C., Basantes Moscoso, D. R., Valdés González, E. M., & Djabayan Djibeyan, P. (2023). Low determinants of the APGAR test: in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of possible abnormal conditions in neonates at birth. Anatomía Digital, 6(4.3), 344-364. https://doi.org/10.33262/anatomiadigital.v6i4.3.2810
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