Comparative in vitro study of the dimensional stability of different addition silicones

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Pedro Antonio Castro García
Jazmín Poleth Mayorga Brito
David Gerardo Carrillo Vaca
Lisseth Estefanía Ortega Leiton


Introduction: The aim of the research was to evaluate the dimensional stability of addition silicones from three different commercial companies, with the purpose of identifying how expansion and contraction fulfill their function according to the working time when making the prostheses. Objectives: The objective of this research was to evaluate the dimensional stability of addition silicones from three different commercial companies, after establishing a measurement method considering parameters such as contraction and expansion as a function of time, thus achieving, measuring the dimensional alteration of the silicones at different time intervals after the polymerization process, with the objective of comparing the dimensional stability of the different addition silicones to identify significant differences in said physical property. Methodology: This experimental research was conducted in a laboratory-controlled environment, actively manipulating the variables, and observing the results. Results: For the results, the dimensional alteration of the silicones by addition at time intervals was considered to observe how the silicone develops in the polymerization process. Conclusions: The ANOVA analysis detected significant dimensional differences between the diverse types of silicones, in an abbreviated period of 24 hours and a distant period of 15 days, while in a medium period of 8 days no significant dimensional differences were found between them. Furthermore, it was determined that the silicone President Coltene presents varying dimensional changes throughout the study period. This behavior is like that of Ivoclar Vivadent Virtual, although it presented less variability. Finally, Kerr Extrude is the silicone that presented the least changes over time with respect to the silicones, denoting a consolidation towards contraction processes with respect to time, which differs notably from the other silicones analyzed.


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How to Cite
Castro García, P. A., Mayorga Brito, J. P., Carrillo Vaca, D. G., & Ortega Leiton, L. E. (2024). Comparative in vitro study of the dimensional stability of different addition silicones. Anatomía Digital, 7(3), 34-52.
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