Personality in emerging ecuadorian adults

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Ramiro Eduardo Torres Vizuete
Ángel Gustavo Llerena Cruz
Adriana Carolina Sánchez Acosta
Renata Patricia Aguilera Vásconez


Introduction.  Personality is a frequent topic of study both because of the intrinsic interest it generates and because of the diversity of theories that have supported its development and attempted to explain its behavior. Objective.  These differences between personality traits manifest themselves in different intensity from subject to subject, as well as between sexes and determine the proportion existing in university students. Methodology. The age group on which this research focuses generates another factor that captivates due to the particularities of its condition, the emerging age is the beginning of what is considered an established personality, the personality traits being more or less stable. In order to have a representative group, 745 volunteers participated, 293 men and 452 women belonging to two higher education institutions. Non-probabilistic snowball sampling was used to determine the population; The instrument used to collect the information was the SEAPsI inventory. Results.  The results of the study show that the cognitive personality presents a percentage of 43.49%, the affective personality 37.58%, the personality with relational deficit 12.21% and the behavioral personality 6.71%; A greater presence of affective personality is also identified in the youngest of the group that corresponds to the ages of 18 to 20 years. The dependency analysis between age variables and personality types (X2= 177.35: p < .05). The results regarding sex and type of personality indicate that 25.4% of the population that has an affective personality are women, outnumbering men in a proportion of 2 to 1, while the personality that men stand out most is cognitive type with 18.8%, there being a difference of 5.9% compared to women who surpass them with 24.7%, the significance relationship between these variables is (X2= 24,546: p < .05). Conclusion.  Personality could be used as a predictor of behavior in university students, interpersonal relationships, problem solving, competitive attitude, ability to achieve; A two to one relationship was determined where women are the majority in relation to men and they present an affective personality, while men present a cognitive personality. General Study Area: Psychology. Specific area of ​​study: Personality theories. Study type: Original articles


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How to Cite
Torres Vizuete, R. E., Llerena Cruz, Ángel G., Sánchez Acosta, A. C., & Aguilera Vásconez, R. P. (2023). Personality in emerging ecuadorian adults. Anatomía Digital, 6(4.3), 1014-1028.
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