Occlusal considerations for finishing in orthodontics. Literature review

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Walter Fabian Lima Cobos
Lorenzo Puebla Ramos


Introduction: The completion stage in orthodontic treatment is perhaps one of the most arduous within each clinical case, because there are no clear rules that are applicable to each individual; however, there is a diversity of published information that argues, it could be applicable to correct occlusal harmony in the final stage of orthodontic treatments. Objective: To analyze the occlusal considerations for the completion of orthodontic treatment. Methods: This was done by means of an extensive electronic search in various digital databases such as Pubmed, Proquest, Lilacs, Web of Science, Elsevier, Google Academic in a period from September 2012 to September 2022, with no language limit. Results: A total of 534 articles were obtained, of which, belonging to Pubmed 57, Proquest 20, Lilacs 4, Web of Science 34, Elsevier 100, Google Academic 319. Subsequently, the selection criteria were applied, leaving 15 articles suitable for this literature review. Conclusions: The stability of occlusion after completion of orthodontic treatment should be planned as an important treatment objective from the diagnosis of each clinical case; in such a way, it will allow harmony and correct interaction of the hard and soft tissues of the cranio-cervical maxillofacial system, thus guaranteeing their stability and functional dynamics.


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How to Cite
Lima Cobos, W. F., & Puebla Ramos, L. (2023). Occlusal considerations for finishing in orthodontics. Literature review. Anatomía Digital, 6(1.2), 46-62. https://doi.org/10.33262/anatomiadigital.v6i1.2.2514
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