Dual lesion in the tricuspid valve associated with rheumatic fever in a 70-year-old patient. About a case

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Steffania Montesdeoca Santana
Gema Vera Loor
Jessica Bernabé Ruiz
Marieta Plaza Salazar


In the decade of the 70s in Ecuador, 3 out of every 100 people developed rheumatic fever, of which 75% had cardiac complications and in hospitalization areas, 39% of all admitted cardiac patients were of rheumatic origin; As a result of this, thousands of secular cardiac patients remained, as is the case below, a 70-year-old adult man with dual tricuspid valve injury associated with rheumatic fever with a history of mechanical mitral valve replacement. Reason why we report this historically important and statistically rare medical finding. It is enriching to detail its debut, diagnosis and, above all, treatment.


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How to Cite
Montesdeoca Santana, S., Vera Loor, G., Bernabé Ruiz, J., & Plaza Salazar , M. (2021). Dual lesion in the tricuspid valve associated with rheumatic fever in a 70-year-old patient. About a case. Anatomía Digital, 4(4), 122-128. https://doi.org/10.33262/anatomiadigital.v4i4.1936

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