Business management in the generational succession of family businesses in zone 3

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Vanessa Estefanía Freire Altamirano
Washington Marcelo Gallardo Medina


Introduction. Family succession in companies is a more customary practice than is believed because 90.5% of existing companies in zone three of Ecuador have a family nucleus to develop their activities. In addition, these companies contribute significantly to the productive matrix of the country. Target. Know the factors that influence the administrative management of companies with family succession. Methodology. The deductive method based on a quantitative and qualitative approach was applied, in addition, this research is of a documentary type. The study population was 243,651 companies between these large, medium, and small companies, the survey was applied to a sample of 384 companies via email to the managers of the companies, these results were validated by the coefficient known as Cronbach's Alpha, the bibliography modality was also used to elaborate the theoretical framework according to the problem that is going to be studied. Results. The results obtained in the investigation show that more than 80% of family businesses will not exceed the barrier of 10 years of operation, this is due to the little preparation that the managers of these companies have, which means that they are not considered. all the necessary factors to make adequate decisions that guarantee the future of these companies. Conclusion. Analyze each variable and develop administrative management methods to guarantee the survival of companies because they are job-generating entities, which leads to the progress of society.


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How to Cite
Freire Altamirano, V. E., & Gallardo Medina, W. M. (2022). Business management in the generational succession of family businesses in zone 3. Visionario Digital, 6(2), 23-38.


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