Students' perceptions of the use of technological tools that facilitate self-regulated English language learning

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Sarah Jacqueline Iza Pazmiño
Verónica Elizabeth Chicaiza Redin
Edgar Guadia Encalada Trujillo
Cristina del Rocío Jordan Buenaño


This study aims to identify to what extent the use of technological tools facilitates self-regulated learning among pre-service students studying English. The methodology employed for this study was a survey design and a questionnaire was administered to 497 students studying at Zone 3. The results show that the most used strategies to self-regulate students' English language learning are related to the search of information, review and memorization, revision or review of notes and/or books, and self-assessment activities. Regarding the frequency of use of digital tools to self-regulate English language learning, 45% of the participants mentioned that they always use these tools. Furthermore, 63% of students considered that the use of technological tools facilitates self-regulated English language learning. It can be concluded that the importance of technological tools and their application in the academic context facilitates students' learning. It is also recommended to do more research in the area to explore the strengths that ICT tools must develop self-regulated learning.


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Iza Pazmiño, S. J., Chicaiza Redin, V. E., Encalada Trujillo , E. G., & Jordan Buenaño, C. del R. (2023). Students’ perceptions of the use of technological tools that facilitate self-regulated English language learning. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 6-19.


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