El startup como factor fundamental en el cambio económico de la Parroquia San Andrés de la Provincia de Chimborazo

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Carlos Iván Villalva Heredia
Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera
Mónica Paulina Terán Pérez
Byron Santiago Once Collaguazo


In Ecuador and specifically in the different parishes of the district since the last decade, the start-up has a fundamental role in the social lowered evolution of an edge, which is intended to channel the process of a commitment pile trivium through the promotion of spreading small businesses in order to be able to dominate their fears and be independent to acquire an economic profit, which is why the line that this activity has for departmental change resides in order to live linked to the national plan of Good Living of treaty to our expectations and job independence. The economic process is understood by the productive aptitude that a country has to generate fortune with the aseptic of improving the conditions of push of its inhabitants, when discussing the social process it refers to the transformation, progress or real process that occurred in the assets In order to observe the socioeconomic change, whether it is passageway, provincial or of a country, it can be done from the investigation and translation of certain basic indicators such as: location, unemployment, extraction earnings, among others. The purpose of this work is to show how the enterprises affect the economic-social development of the San Andrés del Canton Guano parish, Chimborazo Province, the same that were determined different startups that are in the parish, the benefits that generated and those social income that they contribute to the families of the locality, the true circumstance of the businesses was analyzed, the motivational circumstances to start in the parish and the obstacles that the entrepreneur may lie in the path


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Como Citar
Villalva Heredia, C. I., Niama Rivera, L. M., Terán Pérez, M. P., & Once Collaguazo, B. S. (2020). El startup como factor fundamental en el cambio económico de la Parroquia San Andrés de la Provincia de Chimborazo. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3.1), 104-125. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v3i3.1.1370


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