Comparative study of Burnout in university students of health sciences

Introduction: physical and mental exhaustion is common in students of health sciences careers. That is why, a comparative study on burnout in university students of health sciences was developed, for which five works were selected from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile, developed between 2018 and 2021. Objectives: to develop a comparative study of burnout in university students of health sciences in Spain and Latin America between 2018 and 2021. Methodology: the method applied was qualitative, bibliographic, and descriptive research for the comparative analysis of the findings, in this sense a summary table was elaborated where categories emerged represented in three conceptual networks: academic burnout, methods and findings, and coping. Results: dimensions and categories were identified, in which the common element was the burnout syndrome, physical and mental exhaustion; physiological and psychological consequences; incidence of values of the family, school and cultural environment; stress, anxiety and depression; academic training, self-efficacy, secondary training; to apply coping strategies (active and resolutive, passive and negative). Conclusions: burnout is frequent in students who take courses related to the management of critically ill patients or those at elevated risk of mortality. Sensitivity influences the emotional state, which causes stress and physical and mental exhaustion, sadness and isolation, a situation that affects academic performance. The sociodemographic dimension shows a tendency to female sex, single marital status. Regarding coping, the dimensions of mental state and cheerful outlook of the students, is favorable to coping and those who present high personal expectations, have less feelings of wear and tear or exhaustion. It is suggested that universities develop psychological support programs to prevent cases of academic burnout.

Jaime Rolando Balseca Narváez, Paulina Isabel Armas Freire, Jorge Abdon Estrada Chandi, Jeaneth Verónica Reyes Castillo


Title Burnout in nursing students in hospital practices in critical areas

Introduction: on many occasions, nursing students face different pressures, as occurs in people who study and work, likewise, as they advance in their careers, the level of demand on students increases, as well as in the performance of clinical practices in critical units, this may lead students to present symptoms of academic burnout. Objectives: research was conducted to determine the level of burnout in eighth semester nursing students of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, when performing hospital internships in critical units. Methodology: it was quantitative, field design, descriptive and transversal. For data collection, the selected sample was made up of eighth semester nursing students who have completed hospital internships in critical areas such as emergencies and ICUs. Results: the nursing career is mostly attended by young women, some of them are employed, which generates stress, increasing the risk of presenting burnout syndrome, on the other hand, hospital internships in critical areas, as well as the academic demands and the level of difficulty of the tests increase as the student advances in the career. Regarding burnout syndrome, it was evidenced that a great part of the students presents emotional fatigue at medium and elevated levels, with respect to depersonalization, the elevated level predominated, and personal fulfillment at high and medium levels. Conclusions: a large part of the student population agrees with the performance of hospital internships in critical areas, since this helps them to develop skills and abilities in patient care, as well as to broaden their knowledge in various pathologies and procedures; however, these are generators of academic burnout.

Jaime Rolando Balseca Narváez, Paulina Isabel Armas Freire , Gabriela Silvana Cuvi Freire, Jeaneth Verónica Reyes Castillo


Clinical manifestations in patients aged 5-19 with acute streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis, confirmed with rapid antigen detection test

Objective: Determine the clinical manifestations of acute Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis, confirmed test for rapid detection of antigen in patients aged 5-19 years attending the health Centre 1. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted. The universe (patients testing positive test for rapid detection of antigen) was studied. The data were obtained directly and analyzed in SPSS version 15.00 system. Results: The 61.2% were women. The mean age was 10.8 years, 43.3% had between 5- 9 years old. The 77.6% came from urban area. The 83.6% had education level between 5 and 15 years. The tonsillar exudate, thermal upside, odinodisfagia and malaise occurred in more than 90%. The anterior cervical lymph nodes, headache, and chills between 50 and 80%. Halitosis, cough, runny nose, petechiae on the palate, pharyngeal exudate, and dysphonia between 30 and 50%, and less than 20% abdominal pain, conjunctivitis, vomiting, scarlatiniform rash and diarrhea. Conclusions: The most representative manifestations of pharyngitis were Odinodisfagia, tonsillar exudate and anterior cervical nodes.

Diana Gabriela Ibadango Ávila, Daysi Estefanía Gómez Chacón, Ginela Rocío Rengel Pinzón, Gustavo José Martínez Palacios, Nube Estefanía Pizarro Narea


The reality of training in general surgery and the increased complexity of abdominal wall hernia surgery: A Systemic Review

Introduction. The most important and relevant argument for this proposal and statement is the growing acceptance of the increasing complexity of abdominal wall surgery due to newer techniques, more challenging cases, and the "tailor-made" approach required for such surgery. Methods A systematic search of the literature available in May 2019 was performed using Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Springer Link, and the Cochrane Library, with seventy-five publications identified as relevant. In addition, an analysis of the data from the Herniamed Hernia Registry was performed. Results All current guidelines for abdominal wall surgery recommend the use of a "tailor-made" approach. This is based on the prerequisite that any surgical technique used has already been mastered, as well as the recognized learning curves for each of the various techniques that can be used for both inguinal hernia repair (Lichtenstein, TEP, TAPP, Shouldice) and for incisional hernia repairs (laparoscopic IPOM, open sublayer, open IPOM, open onlay, open or endoscopic component separation technique). Conclusion A personalized approach is now employed and seen more in hernia surgery and this fact is mentioned and highlighted in contemporary hernia guidelines published to date. Furthermore, with the increasing complexity of abdominal wall surgery, the number of procedures performed by residents is no longer considered adequate to overcome any recognized learning curve.

Jhoana Elizabeth Fernández Morocho, María Teresa Rosas Romero, Gustavo José Martínez Palacios, Byron Hernán Abril Álvarez, Doménica Nathaly Correa Neira


Collection protocol for blood and breast milk samples, and newborn blood, in a Type B healthcare unit, at the first level of care, Guaranda-Bolivar

Introduction: In the province of Bolívar there are no studies that determine the presence of metals in neonates and / or mothers, despite the existence of predisposing factors, the investigation called Level of Lead in Blood and Breast Milk and Blood of Newborns, suggested the preparation of a protocol for the collection of samples, based on a rigorous procedure that ensures the application of best practices and the appropriate use of the available scientific documentation, for the development of this research it was considered to start from the basis of the existence or not of a protocol that allows the collection of these samples. Objective: To design the protocol for collecting newborn blood, and breast milk samples, which guarantees safety in the application of these procedures. Methodology: Research, qualitative-documentary-descriptive, based on bibliographic reviews extracted from thesis, doctoral papers, indexed articles, protocols, guides and nursing procedures, the Gonzalo Cordero Crespo Health Center unit of the first level of care was considered for the research type B of the city of Guaranda-Bolívar, taking as a study universe 18 health care officials who work in the Health Center, a survey was applied as an instrument to collect information that was processed by the SPSS statistical computer program ( Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Conclusion: The sample collection protocol is an instrument that guarantees user safety in the application of the procedures, quality in the collection and veracity of the results, for timely diagnosis and clinical decision-making.

Maura del Roció Muñoz Naranjo, María Humbelina Olalla García, Jaime Jesús Calvache Arguello, Miguel Andrés Morales Sánchez, Cesar Rogelio Carrasco Ruano, Jorge Alexander Briceño Carrasquel
