Teacher training in Moodle for the creation of digital narrative videos in the Animaker application

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Patricio Paúl Hernández Méndez
Diana Fernanda Vizcaíno Chamorro
María Alejandrina Nivela Cornejo
Roger Martínez Isaac


Introduction. The purpose of this Moodle training course is for Elementary School teachers to learn and put into practice the creation of digital narrative videos using the Animaker application since it will facilitate the teaching-learning process during the beginning, process and closing of the class session. Likewise, it allows the student to develop critical thinking and contribute to problem solving, promoting mastery of learning where they participate in class and develop their autonomy, generating learning opportunities. The videos capture the student's attention and produce attractive and interesting visual learning that has allowed the development of oral, physical, and written expression, optimizing communication skills. Objective. The main objective was to design a teacher training course in Moodle, for the creation and integration of educational narrative videos, in the Animaker application, with elementary students of the Nelson Ortiz Stefanuto educational unit. Specific objective: Validate the proposal by specialist criteria. Methodology. The type of research used is descriptive, which is responsible for specifying the characteristics of the population being studied, having a mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative, the techniques applied are direct observation, interviews, and surveys. Databases such as: Scielo, Google Scholar, Latindex Dialnet were taken into consideration. Results. It contributes to improving the creation of digital narrative videos in the Animaker application, in the teaching-learning process, of students at the basic elementary level and for teachers to develop effective strategies to integrate technology in their classrooms. Conclusion. The results obtained are promising to generate novel resources and strategies for the effective use of digital narrative videos in education. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Pedagogy in digital environments. Type of Study: Original article.


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How to Cite
Hernández Méndez, P. P., Vizcaíno Chamorro, D. F., Nivela Cornejo, M. A., & Martínez Isaac, R. (2024). Teacher training in Moodle for the creation of digital narrative videos in the Animaker application. ConcienciaDigital, 7(4), 145-162. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v7i4.3257


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