The law of jurisdictional guarantee as a principle of transparency and citizen control over the administrative functions exercised in the municipality of the Riobamba city

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Gabriela Yosua Medina Garcés
Jenny Lilian Yuqui Hernández
Tanya Dolores Martinez Villacres
Paul Jonathan Carvajal Medina


Introduction.  The article studies the application of the jurisdictional guaranteed law as a principle of transparency and access to public information and governance of the entities that make up the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Riobamba canton where public functions with administrative powers are exercised, they provide public services and receive funds. public to operate carrying out their activities under any legal title. The obligation that these entities must provide the responsible administration with information directly related to the public activity they carry out is analyzed considering the doctrine issued by the commission to guarantee the right of access to public information of the city of Riobamba. Objective.  The article aims to explain the cases related to administrative processes that, after the COVID-19 pandemic, have taken different approaches, considering that the technological implications have been a key factor in the administrative process and verify if the jurisdictional guarantee has been involved. by the law of transparency and citizen control. Methodology.  The document corresponds to a documentary investigation where the analysis of this hypothesis, the study has been of a mixed type, under a field character. Likewise, a semi-structured interview was carried out with a random sample of users of the administrative processes executed within the institution, through the Delphi, deductive and exegetical method. Results.  The study showed that the lack of professionals specialized in constitutional and administrative matters has resulted in the incorrect administration of jurisdictional guarantees. Conclusion. It was concluded that it is necessary to have judicial units specialized in constitutional matters in the municipality of Riobamba, so that they know and resolve only jurisdictional guarantees.


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How to Cite
Medina Garcés, G. Y., Yuqui Hernández, J. L., Martinez Villacres, T. D., & Carvajal Medina, P. J. (2024). The law of jurisdictional guarantee as a principle of transparency and citizen control over the administrative functions exercised in the municipality of the Riobamba city. ConcienciaDigital, 7(3.2), 6-17.


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