Flood risk analysis in areas surrounding the Burgay river in the Biblián city

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Juan Pablo Idrovo Ortiz
José Abelardo Paucar Camacho
Numa Inain aibor Velasco


Introduction. Given the recurrent flooding during the rainy season, this study focuses on modeling the flood risk in the areas adjacent to the Burgay river, located in the urban area of Biblián canton in the province of Cañar, Ecuador. Objective. Identify the risk of flooding caused by the flooding of the Burgay river in the Biblián canton through the application of the hydrological-hydraulic method to evaluate the threat, the use of a GIS and the zoning of elements exposed to flooding to establish strategies for risk reduction. Methodology. A descriptive-correlational methodology is used to detail the phenomenon and evaluate the interrelationships between variables relevant to this risk. Results. The results highlight a significant distribution of areas exposed to different levels of flood hazards in the vicinity of the Burgay River. Considerable extensions with worrying levels of risk are identified, mainly areas of high and medium threat, covering a considerable percentage of the evaluated territory. Fundamental aspects of the infrastructure, such as buildings, the drinking water network, the sewage system and urban roads, show a notable exposure to these risk levels, especially in the high and medium hazard categories. Conclusion. The main conclusion highlights the urgency of implementing preventive measures and risk management strategies in these vulnerable and exposed areas. These actions become imperative to mitigate the possible impacts of future floods, preserving the functionality of critical infrastructure and guaranteeing the safety of the community in the Biblián canton of the province of Cañar, Ecuador. General area of study: Engineering. Specific Area of Study: Sustainable Construction


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How to Cite
Idrovo Ortiz, J. P., Paucar Camacho, J. A., & aibor Velasco, N. I. (2024). Flood risk analysis in areas surrounding the Burgay river in the Biblián city. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1.3), 113-133. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v7i1.3.2941


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