Case report: long-term renal disease in a 12-year-old geriatric feline “felis catus”

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Christopher Santiago Espinoza Parra
Jorge Luis Ayora Muñoz


Introduction. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a common pathology in daily clinical practice, especially diagnosed in older adult patients. There are cases where the diagnosis is established occasionally, since the patients do not present defined symptoms, and this becomes an incidental finding. CKD develops progressively, affecting, in addition to kidney function, other complex systems within the patient's body, causing azotemic crises among other complications. Here we describe the case of a 12-year-old male feline diagnosed in 2016 with IRIS CKD STAGE 2 kidney disease, which was controlled within normal parameters for 7 years, until he presented an azotemic crisis, raising the staging to IRIS CKD STAGE 4. Objective. Describe the management conducted in a feline patient with long-term kidney disease, treated at the Mora veterinary clinic from 08/08/16-05/11/23. Methodology. The present descriptive research work, of the case study type. It refers to a clinical case of a geriatric feline patient with a long-term nephropathy. Conclusion. In the case described, early diagnosis of the disease is important for its prognosis and treatment.


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How to Cite
Espinoza Parra, C. S., & Ayora Muñoz, J. L. (2024). Case report: long-term renal disease in a 12-year-old geriatric feline “felis catus”. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1.2), 43-59.


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