The Conditional Suspension of the sentence, in abreviated procedures: ¿Right or abused?

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Marieta de las Nubes Zúñiga Brito
Edwin Daniel de la Vega Echeverría


Introduction. Conditional suspension of sentence is a legal institution that allows a person convicted of a crime not to serve a prison sentence, provided that certain conditions are met. In Ecuador, this figure is regulated by Article 74 of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP). In 2016, the National Court of Justice of Ecuador issued Resolution No. 02-2016, in which it ruled that conditional suspension of the sentence is not appropriate in cases resolved through abbreviated proceedings. This resolution has been criticized by some sectors, which consider that it violates the rights of convicted persons.  Objective. The objective of this paper is to analyze whether the resolution of the National Court of Justice violates the rights of persons convicted of a crime through an abbreviated procedure.  Methodology. An analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive method with a qualitative approach was used for the development of this work. A bibliographic review of the regulations and jurisprudence applicable to the subject was carried out.  Results. The analysis of the regulations and jurisprudence applicable to the issue leads to the conclusion that the resolution of the National Court of Justice violates the rights of persons convicted of a crime through an abbreviated procedure. The conditional suspension of the sentence is a right of convicted persons, recognized by the Constitution and international human rights instruments. Conclusion. The resolution of the National Court of Justice violates the rights of persons convicted of a crime through an abbreviated procedure. This resolution must be revoked to guarantee the right to social reintegration of these persons.


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How to Cite
Zúñiga Brito, M. de las N., & de la Vega Echeverría, E. D. (2023). The Conditional Suspension of the sentence, in abreviated procedures: ¿Right or abused?. ConcienciaDigital, 6(3.2), 195-219.


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