Social factors that provoke begging among children and adolescents in the city of Cuenca – Ecuador

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Giovanna Jamileth Paladines Coello
Martha Isabel Quichimbo Sapatanga
Jenny Irlanda Tapia Segarra


Introduction.  Begging is a social problem that is directly linked to inequality and poverty. It becomes a factor of social inequality when it is considered that it arises based on the lack of socioeconomic resources within a family. The situation of begging among children and adolescents is based on problems such as: human mobility and scarce labor opportunities. The objective of this research is to identify the social factors that cause begging among children and adolescents in the Fundación Ciudadanos en Acción in the city of Cuenca. Methodology.  A descriptive quantitative methodology was used to meet the objective and its design was non-experimental. Results. The results obtained show that social factors, especially the scarce job opportunities, have a significant impact on the family structure, thus generating begging activities. Conclusion. The conclusions indicate that both human mobility and employment opportunities constitute causes of child begging, since children and adolescents feel the need to support their families by using this means to obtain money and food. It is therefore recommended that comprehensive strategies be developed to promote decent employment, access to education and social protection, providing children and their parents with an opportunity for a more secure and prosperous future.


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How to Cite
Paladines Coello, G. J., Quichimbo Sapatanga, M. I., & Tapia Segarra, J. I. (2023). Social factors that provoke begging among children and adolescents in the city of Cuenca – Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(4), 176-192.


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