Bioethical analysis, legality of death in Ecuador

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Andrés Felipe Mercado González
Camila Fernanda León Pineda
Fernando Mauricio León Martínez


Introduction: The legality of assisted death is a controversial topic worldwide due to various bioethical aspects. While countries like Luxembourg and Canada have legalized euthanasia, improving the patient's quality of life, negative concerns have also emerged, such as the abandonment of palliative options. Objective: The main purpose of this study is to describe the various bioethical approaches both in favor and against assisted death in Ecuador. Methodology: This article is a descriptive bibliographic review, in which information was compiled from the last 5 years using databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, EMBASE, and MedRxiv. Bioethical approaches in favor of assisted death were addressed to alleviate patient symptoms and improve their quality of life. Results: The results indicate that in Ecuador, the constitution contemplates the right to life, so the decriminalization of death is a delicate issue. However, in other countries like the United States and Canada, the decision in favor of assisted death depends on the patient. Furthermore, Ecuador's Comprehensive Penal Code presents ambiguous laws on assisted death, with legal gaps that prevent its application in the health system. Conclusion: Even though the arguments for and against euthanasia are solid, the decision must be adapted to the patient's context and the health system. The need for clearer regulations is evident to avoid misinterpretations and potential abuses.


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How to Cite
Mercado González, A. F., León Pineda, C. F., & León Martínez, F. M. (2023). Bioethical analysis, legality of death in Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(3.1), 71-89.


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