Fracture of materials: a study of the art on ductile fracture of metallic materials.

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Joseph Ariel Llangari Rivera
Stefany Tatiana Morocho Ortuño
Michael Patricio Zavala Pozo
Carmen del Rocío Moyón Moyón


This research focuses on an exhaustive analysis of the various investigations developed in terms of the ductile fracture mechanism, because historically, mankind has sought to understand and avoid the fracture of its constructions and artifacts. In this context, Fracture Mechanics has been a fundamental discipline, dedicated to the study of the mechanisms that govern the behavior of materials under extreme loads and stresses. The focus has been on the ductile fracture of metallic materials. By means of a qualitative methodology and a meticulous flow of steps for the selection of accurate bibliographic sources, verified information has been obtained from journals, books and documents from internet repositories. Also, a case study related to the evaluation of fracture toughness in a natural gas supply pipeline is analyzed with its respective analysis methods and results represented in mathematical tables and graphs. This study demonstrates that fracture of materials is essential to ensure the safety and structural integrity of critical systems, including those made of metallic materials.


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How to Cite
Llangari Rivera, J. A., Morocho Ortuño, S. T., Zavala Pozo, M. P., & Moyón Moyón, C. del R. (2023). Fracture of materials: a study of the art on ductile fracture of metallic materials. ConcienciaDigital, 6(3), 207-232.


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