Formative research and core processes integration in undergraduate integral education

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Rafael García Abad
Mercedes González Fernández Larrea
Lorena González Campoverde


The following research shows the results of the implementation process of the management for the integration of core processes in undergraduate programs at the Catholic University of Cuenca through formative research as a way of integration and its contribution to the integral education for undergraduate programs, from the conception of a qualitative-quantitative, prospective research design, based on participatory action research, establishing the relation between the analysis categories that were declared in the study and the results obtained from the execution of the formative research process during an academic term in an undergraduate course of a higher education institution. The application of a survey designed and validated for this purpose made it possible to collect the criteria of the teaching staff regarding the adequacy of the formative research processes within the management for integration. The resulting information allowed to conclude after the descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes the incidence of this type of research training in the joint work of teaching, research and social responsibility and its contribution to the integral education of students.


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García Abad, R., Fernández Larrea, M. G., & González Campoverde, L. (2023). Formative research and core processes integration in undergraduate integral education. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1), 102-114.


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