Nutrient digestibility, blood biochemistry and performance of broiler chickens fed three sources of essential oils

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Paul Andrés Márquez Tobar


Introduction. At present, alternatives to the use of promoting antibiotics are being sought due to their negative effects on health; an alternative is the combination of essential oils. Objective. To evaluate the digestibility indices, blood biochemistry and productive indicators in broiler chickens fed with three essential oil sources. Methodology. In the first part of the experiment, 1400 Cobb chickens five hundred males were distributed in five treatments (CP, CN, ACT, XRT, PHY), the productive performance and blood biochemistry of birds raised in cages with a cement floor with husk litter were measured. of rice reused from two continuous rearing without disinfection, in the second part of the experiment the digestibility of nutrients was measured at 21 days of age by the collection method. 240 selected birds from floor rearing were used, they were housed in metabolic cages and distributed in the five treatments, with six repetitions and eight birds per repetition. Results. There were no significant differences in the digestibility values ​​of crude protein, ash, dry matter, and organic matter among all treatments (P>0.05), only differences were found in the variables fiber, fat, and nitrogen-free extract (P< 0.05), there were no significant differences in blood biochemistry values ​​at 21 and 42 days (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Uric Acid, Urea, Creatinine, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin) among all treatments (P>0.05 ), there were no significant differences in the weight gain of the 5-6 week, the feed consumption of the 1-6 week, in the feed conversion of 1-6 weeks (P>0.05) only significant differences were found in the weight gain of week 1-2 and week 3-4 (P<0.05). Conclusion. The application of essential oils did not affect the blood biochemistry values ​​of (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Uric Acid, Urea, Creatinine, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin) among all treatments.


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Márquez Tobar, P. A. (2022). Nutrient digestibility, blood biochemistry and performance of broiler chickens fed three sources of essential oils. ConcienciaDigital, 5(4.1), 60-79.


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