Title Burnout in nursing students in hospital practices in critical areas

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Jaime Rolando Balseca Narváez
Paulina Isabel Armas Freire
Gabriela Silvana Cuvi Freire
Jeaneth Verónica Reyes Castillo


Introduction: on many occasions, nursing students face different pressures, as occurs in people who study and work, likewise, as they advance in their careers, the level of demand on students increases, as well as in the performance of clinical practices in critical units, this may lead students to present symptoms of academic burnout. Objectives: research was conducted to determine the level of burnout in eighth semester nursing students of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, when performing hospital internships in critical units. Methodology: it was quantitative, field design, descriptive and transversal. For data collection, the selected sample was made up of eighth semester nursing students who have completed hospital internships in critical areas such as emergencies and ICUs. Results: the nursing career is mostly attended by young women, some of them are employed, which generates stress, increasing the risk of presenting burnout syndrome, on the other hand, hospital internships in critical areas, as well as the academic demands and the level of difficulty of the tests increase as the student advances in the career. Regarding burnout syndrome, it was evidenced that a great part of the students presents emotional fatigue at medium and elevated levels, with respect to depersonalization, the elevated level predominated, and personal fulfillment at high and medium levels. Conclusions: a large part of the student population agrees with the performance of hospital internships in critical areas, since this helps them to develop skills and abilities in patient care, as well as to broaden their knowledge in various pathologies and procedures; however, these are generators of academic burnout.


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How to Cite
Balseca Narváez, J. R., Armas Freire , P. I., Cuvi Freire, G. S., & Reyes Castillo, J. V. (2022). Title Burnout in nursing students in hospital practices in critical areas. ConcienciaDigital, 5(4.2), 25-44. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i4.2.2379


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