Interactive digital tools to strengthen the teaching of reading comprehension

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Freddy Patricio Tacuri Jara
Cecilia Toledo Moncayo


Digital tools today have been gaining strength in the activities carried out by teachers in their classes, however there are many teachers who still do not have full knowledge of the proper use for certain specific areas of teaching, for this reason the research is tries to Analyze and Provide teachers with interactive digital tools that allow improving reading comprehension, to obtain the number of teachers who do not know and have not used a research methodology that allows collecting data from a small population of teachers. with a quantitative and non-experimental method and also with an instrument in this case a questionnaire elaborated with the Likert scale through which I help to obtain the necessary data in order to determine the proposal, in this case the information that was tabulated through a frequency table was obtained that 83.3 of the total population They have almost never applied tools such as Quizizz, Genially to assess students, and that 94.4% of the total population has almost never used digital tools for reading comprehension. Given these statistical data, a proposal was presented to the teacher that consists of some digital tools that he can use in his classes, among which are: Genially, Quizizz, newsela, nearpod and padlet and in this way the objectives set from the beginning of the course are met. the investigation.


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How to Cite
Tacuri Jara, F. P., & Toledo Moncayo, C. (2022). Interactive digital tools to strengthen the teaching of reading comprehension. ConcienciaDigital, 5(4), 109-126.


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