Problems of economic geology in mining projects

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Lissette Fernanda Alvarado Barrera
Ricardo Andrés Sánchez Carrillo
Renato Estuardo Paredes Cruz


Economic geology must relate all the mining potential through current and new studies, carried out by national institutes, and locate these in international markets in order to leverage the economy, where this year a continuous advance is expected in the contribution of the GDP from 1.5% to 4%, only with mining development. In recent years, artisanal mining and small and medium mining have contributed significantly to the economy of the state. As of 2019, the mega projects enter with a greater organization and therefore with a greater financial contribution, having a positive impact on the development of Ecuador. However, it has a series of weaknesses that must be solved over time, which are: the lack of knowledge in the production scales of the industries, the lack of ownership of the projects and public institutions, the lack of integration from the exploration, mining, benefit and commercialization and the lack of strategic organization of the promoters, which must be considered to achieve the sustainability of the different projects. There are a series of large mining projects that have been carried out through alliances between the Ecuadorian government and countries with large mining development, many of them already in the execution stage, others in exploration. In execution are the so-called Fruta del Norte and Mirador, in the south of the country, by 2023 the Loma Larga, Curipamba and La Plata projects would come into operation, while by 2025 the Cascabel project is expected to start. These projects require the training of personnel in the area of geology, mining and metallurgical, which allow them to face such projects with trained personnel.


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How to Cite
Alvarado Barrera, L. F., Sánchez Carrillo, R. A., & Paredes Cruz, R. E. (2022). Problems of economic geology in mining projects. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 387-405.


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