The simplified stock company "SAS", within the context of contractualization between spouses in Ecuador

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José Luis Vásconez Fuentes
Lorena Alexandra Jaramillo Rubio
Mayra Paola Cortez Ocaña


Introduction. The SAS are a type of commercial company that is constituted by one or several natural or legal persons, through a simplified procedure at no cost. Its objective is to promote the economy through the formalization of enterprises, constituting them as subjects of credit and thereby expanding their production processes. Objective. It is intended to address the simplified stock company "SAS", within the context of contractualization between spouses in Ecuador. Methodology. A methodology based on a documentary-type bibliographic design was applied. Results. The consequent start of activities of the SAS to the Ecuadorian regulation from a positive angle holds a legal tool where small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, and even large entrepreneurs have an instrument that, based on the principle of autonomy of the will, consents to the actions in a community structured in favor of its economic interests, over time it will be possible to give a real analysis in relation to the practical benefit. Conclution. Simplified share companies represent a milestone in contractualization between spouses in Ecuador, first of all, due to the ease of additional incorporation and zero operating costs, in parallel with the flexibility of formalities, which makes it very attractive. Comparably, the possibility of covering family assets with limited liability is a very important factor to consider, especially at the precise moment when the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have severely affected the national economy and where the assets of participants in marital partnerships are at serious risk of seizure.


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How to Cite
Vásconez Fuentes , J. L., Jaramillo Rubio, L. A., & Cortez Ocaña, M. P. (2022). The simplified stock company "SAS", within the context of contractualization between spouses in Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 375-386.


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