Latin smart cities. Factors that prevent its development

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Joyce Marcelo Arias Pereira


Technologies have evolved in a vertiginous way throughout the world; the use of ICTs has become widespread in such a way that today practically every human being on the planet has access to some type of technology with internet interconnection, from smartphones to integrated systems of neural networks that have revolutionized the conception of what was understood as technology. In recent decades the name of Smart cities has emerged, which respond to new proposals to create or transform cities into smart cities. The objective of this research is to know what are the main characteristics that define this type of cities and above all to know what are the factors that affect and prevent their development in Latin America, the research is carried out under the methodological approach of bibliographic documentary type. . And among the most relevant findings is the fact that, paradoxically, smartcities not only respond to the fact that they are cities with a high incidence of technology, but rather are linked to the fact that their citizens are immersed in consolidated processes such as recycling and under a new governance approach, and to a certain extent citizens can access new trends in technology.


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How to Cite
Arias Pereira, J. M. (2022). Latin smart cities. Factors that prevent its development. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 333-345.


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