Proposal for a mobile application for access to geo-information on public transportation in Riobamba

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Brando Israel Toledo Yanza
Gisel Katerine Bastidas Guacho
Jorge Alfredo Caiza Balseca
Patricio Xavier Moreno Vallejo


Introduction: Public transportation is vital for cities because it allows better urban planning of the city, avoiding the growth of private transport and thus environmental and noise pollution in cities. However, the lack of knowledge of the operation of public transportation means that citizens do not use it, opting for private transportation. Objective: Therefore, in this study, it is proposed to develop a mobile application with georeferencing that allows easy availability of access to information on the public transportation service to users who reside in Riobamba city, province of Chimborazo. The application is under the Android operating system and promotes the use of urban public transportation through the help of GPS assistance in the geolocation of buses. Methodology: The development methodology used was MOBILE-D, project requirements were established through data collection techniques, and planned iterations were executed through the use of tools such as MySQL as a database management system, Laravel 8 as the back-end development framework, React Native as the development framework for the mobile application using JavaScript programming language, Google Maps, and Pubnub as servers in the presentation of routes, stops and buses on a city map. Results: For the evaluation of the system, the application's percentage of availability and the application's distribution were computed using the availability formula established by the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), which imposed availability levels of 100% and 99.767%, respectively. The application was evaluated during the period December 2021 to January 2022. Conclusions: The developed application optimally achieved the objective of providing an information service of public transport to Riobamba's citizens.


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How to Cite
Toledo Yanza, B. I., Bastidas Guacho, G. K., Caiza Balseca, J. A., & Moreno Vallejo, P. X. (2022). Proposal for a mobile application for access to geo-information on public transportation in Riobamba. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 162-183.


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