Education in times of the covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the development of social skills and emotional intelligence
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Introduction. Education in times of the covid-19 pandemic has caused the change from face-to-face to virtual modality, which has caused concern among parents and authorities of educational institutions at a higher technical and technological level about the problems of academic performance of students. Objectives. The determination of the relationship between social skills, emotional intelligence with the academic performance of the students of Health Assistance Services, early stimulation, regency in pharmacy and physical rehabilitation of the IST Riobamba was conducted. Methodology. A descriptive-correlational study was developed between the variable’s social skills, emotional intelligence, and academic performance. The population was 64 students from the different careers in the health area. To select the sample, a stratified random sampling with proportional allocation was used with a confidence level of 95%, which corresponds to a value of z = 1.96. The data collection instruments used were the Arnold Goldstein social skills scale that contains 50 items with a Likert scale with the following categories: 1) never; 2) Very rarely; 3) ever; 4) Often and 5) Always, with six skills subdimensions: Basic Social Skills, Advanced Social Skills, Skills Related to Feelings, Alternative Aggression Skills, Skills for Coping with Stress and Planning Skills. To measure the emotional state of the TMMS-24, they contain three dimensions based on emotional intelligence: Emotional Perception, Understanding of Feelings and Emotional Regulation, each of the items contains a Likert scale: 1) Not at all in agreement; 2) Somewhat agree; 3) Quite agree; 4) Strongly agree; 5) Totally agree. Results. It was determined that 4.7% of the students have reported a low level in the HSB. Regarding advanced social skills, it was reported that 51.6% had a satisfactory level, while 4.7% had problems asking for help, participating, giving, and following instructions. 10.9% have problems knowing and expressing their own knowledge, understanding the feelings of others, dealing with another's anger. 7.8% have problems sharing with their peers and 6.3% have problems baking. Regarding the emotional perception of the students, they show that 45.3% have little attention, 50.0% have problems in understanding and 40.63% have difficulties in regulating emotions Conclusion. The results of the research indicate that there is a correlation between social skills, emotional intelligence and the academic performance obtained by students who received classes in the virtual modality during the covid-19 pandemic.
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