Optimizing the supply of educational material using an intermediary language in the training of university students for the teaching of English

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Zoila Victoria Herrera Andrade
Ruth Patricia Molina Mazon
Erich Gonzalo Guaman Condoy


The article is dedicated to the problem of improving the assimilation of theoretical material by university students in the framework of the educational process in an Ecuadorian university. Starting from the generalization of the experience of practical work, the authors examine the difficulties that arise in the independent study of educational information. To optimize the educational process, the main aspects of the structure of the presentation of theoretical material are determined. Research has been conducted, during which the advantages of using adaptive patterns with the use of an intermediate language have been shown. This work shows the impact of the use of didactic materials in the teaching of the English language in higher education students of the Escuela Superior Polytechnical de Chimborazo. For meaningful learning, some weaknesses have been observed as a framework not only for the teaching and learning processes but also for the selection of materials and their design. Finally, some fundamental characteristics that materials for teaching English in the field of science must have been described with a series of practical examples, which must be developed for learning to be more successful. The article reviews the main functions of the Didactic Materials for the Teaching of English and its importance in the teaching and learning processes as mediators between teachers and students, that is, a link is created between them. The teaching material replaces reality and tries to represent it in the best viable way, facilitating its objectification.


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How to Cite
Herrera Andrade , Z. V., Molina Mazon, R. P., & Guaman Condoy , E. G. (2022). Optimizing the supply of educational material using an intermediary language in the training of university students for the teaching of English. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2), 238-250. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i2.2207


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