Learning styles in mathematics and academic performance of university students

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Fernando Ricardo Márquez Sañay
Paulina Fernanda Bolaños Logroño
Carmen Elena Mantilla Cabrera
Katherine Gissel Tixi Gallegos


Introduction. The study of mathematics in Higher Education is not always well accepted by students. There is a lack of motivation and a favorable attitude towards these subjects, which are considered complex, which has led to low results. The influence of learning styles on academic performance has been a controversial topic in research, which has shown different and sometimes contradictory results. Objectives. Determine whether learning styles in Mathematics influence the academic performance of university students, identify the most effective learning styles in this subject. Methodology. A bibliographic review was conducted through the results of a sample of eleven original articles, corresponding to quantitative research that dealt with learning styles and their influence on the academic performance in mathematics of university students in the last five years. Results. 72.7% of the studies considered that the learning style influences academic performance. The reflective style prevailed over others in 54.5% of the studies and was identified with medium and high academic performance in 50.0% of them. The theoretical style was not among the most used, but it was in 18.2% of the investigations, which also related it to high academic performance. Conclusions. Learning styles influence academic performance. The reflective style is the most used and it is, together with the theoretical, the one that best adapts to the effective forms of learning in these subjects to achieve adequate performance. However, they must be applied in combination with the rest of the styles for the learning cycle to be successful.


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Márquez Sañay, F. R., Bolaños Logroño, P. F., Mantilla Cabrera, C. E., & Tixi Gallegos, K. G. (2022). Learning styles in mathematics and academic performance of university students. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2), 184-201. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i2.2181


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