Industrial energy optimization with heat recuperators and a regenerative organic Rankine cycle

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Saúl David Valdez Rosales
Paúl Gustavo Palmay Paredes
Mónica Lilián Andrade Avalos


In Ecuador, the industry for the extraction of red African palm oil in the provinces of Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas and Esmeraldas has grown in recent years with an average production of 19 to 25 tn/h of fruit. The red African palm oil extraction process is conducted by digesting the fruit in a cylinder heated with steam, where the digested fruit is pressed to extract crude oil and the press liquor is directed to the clarifier to clarify the oil. oil and subsequently dry it, therefore, the energy need of the industrial plant is high. The main objective of this research work is to perform the energy optimization of an industrial palm oil extraction process, using heat recuperators and a regenerative organic Rankine cycle. For which a mass and energy balance was made from the data collected from the San Daniel extractor, the Concordia, Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas Province of several months of production at stationary conditions, to quantify the residual energy generated in the process. Several potential points of usable residual energy were determined, which correspond to the purge of the boiler that has a flow of 0.592 tn/h, and a residual heat of 424.3 KW, the exhaust gases from the boiler chimney a flow of 10.18 tn/h and a residual heat of 1543 KW, the drying operation a flow of 0.244 tn/h and a residual heat of 211.1 KW, the digestion of the palm fruit 0.448 tn/h and a residual heat of 35.82 KW and the sterilization of the African palm bunches a flow of 1.47 tn/h and a residual heat of 1723 KW. From the data found, the simulation of four heat recuperators and a regenerative organic Rankine cycle was conducted in the DWSIM software. With the results obtained, it is concluded that through these devices it will be possible to generate a reduction in the consumption of steam produced by the boiler from 5.86 to 4.61 tn/h, and in addition, 227.68 KW/h of electrical energy will be produced.


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How to Cite
Valdez Rosales, S. D., Palmay Paredes, P. G., & Andrade Avalos, M. L. (2022). Industrial energy optimization with heat recuperators and a regenerative organic Rankine cycle. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2), 140-161.


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