Application of 5S in SMEs dedicated to structural manufacturing

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María Allauca Amaguaya
José Luis Mosquera Viejo


Introduction. Companies dedicated to manufacturing face challenges every day to remain solvent and stable over time, which is why productivity and profitability are concepts to consider and always keep in mind due to their importance Objective. Explaining the implementation of the 5S for an SME that deals in structural manufacturing Methodology. Is based on basic theoretical research, as well as field research, with characteristics that place it as a descriptive, not experimental, research. Results. Starting from a study of the theoretical foundations developed about Lean Manufacturing and 5S, as well as from the observation of the production process of SMEs that manufacture metallic structures, the aspects to be taken into account for the implementation of the 5S system are proposed. in the neuralgic areas of an SME of this type. 


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Allauca Amaguaya, M., & Mosquera Viejo, J. L. (2022). Application of 5S in SMEs dedicated to structural manufacturing. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2), 88-101.


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