Educational innovation using information and communication technologies. An institutional characterization

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Omar Efrén Otero Agreda


Introduction. As of the year 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic begins, technologies have been used as resources for instruction, beginning to be part of this new reality; at the University of Guayaquil various educational innovations have been included using technologies; however, what characteristics of innovative institutions are met? objective. To determine the characteristics of the innovative educational institutions that are fulfilled in the University of Guayaquil, from the perspective of the students of the Literature career of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences. Methodology. A quantitative, descriptive, exploratory, field design, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was carried out. The population was 120 students of Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences. The technique used was the survey, a questionnaire was applied through Google Forms. Results. For 75% of the students, only sometimes do their teachers have the capacity to innovate using ICT; they carry out a constant investigation of new technologies by 40%; they express willingness to change their conceptions, attitudes and practices in 45.83%: they show commitment and willingness to face the challenges imposed in 48.33%; they carry out critical reflection processes in 52.50%; show openness to exchange with other teachers in 79.17%; and, they almost always foster an environment of collaboration and teamwork using ICT, by 85%. Conclution. The characteristics of innovative educational institutions are met only sometimes, with the exception of fostering an environment of collaboration and teamwork using ICT, which is almost always met. The benefits of using ICT as an innovative element in education are varied; however, a teacher training plan is necessary that includes motivation strategies for the use of these.


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How to Cite
Otero Agreda, O. E. (2022). Educational innovation using information and communication technologies. An institutional characterization. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.3), 131-147.


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